
These communication access displays contain vocabulary to communicate about accessibility.

You may want to:

  • Print the pages
  • Pick phrases, words and pictures that suit your needs
  • Adapt or add your own vocabulary and pictures
  • Program the items into your device
  • Add items to your communication board
  • Practice using the vocabulary with a friend or therapist
  • Use the vocabulary in your community businesses and services

Sample vocabularies:

Click on Picture for picture board and Word for word board.

  • Communicating about your rights. Picture | Word
  • Getting respect. Picture | Word
  • Understanding what people are saying. Picture | Word
  • Telling people how you communicate. Picture | Word
  • Telling people what to do when you are communicating. Picture | Word
  • Getting the time you need to communicate. Picture | Word
  • Communicating over the telephone or asking for alternatives to using the phone. Picture | Word
  • Getting reading materials in ways you can understand and use. Picture | Word
  • Completing forms, taking notes and signing document. Picture
  • Making meetings accessible. Picture | Word
  • Polite ways of saying things. Picture | Word