Articles and Books

  • CDAC feasibility study (2012)
  • Joyce Plotnikoff, Richard Woolfson (2015) Intermediaries in the Criminal Justice System: Improving Communication for Vulnerable Witnesses and Defendants.
  • Bach, M. & Kerzner, L (2010) A New Paradigm for Protecting Autonomy and the Right to Legal Capacity. Available at
  • Balandin, S. (2002). Witnessing without words. In T. Shaddock, M. Bond, I. Bowen, & K. Hales (Eds), Intellectual disability and the law: Contemporary Australian issues 9, (pp. 31-40). Newcastle: ASSID Inc.
  • Bryen, D. N., Carey, A., & Frantz, B. (2003, June). Ending the silence: Adults who use augmentative communication and their experiences as victims of crimes. Augmenta-tive and Alternative Communication, 19(2), 125-134.
  • Collier, B., McGhie-Richmond, D., Odette F., Pyne, J. (2006) Reducing the Risk of Abuse for People who use AAC. Journal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication.
  • Hackett, D. (1998). The Road Less Travelled”: Judicial Neutrality and the Protection and Enforcement of Equality Rights in Criminal Trial Courts. CJWLIRFD Vol. 10. 128-148.
  • Joffe, K. (2010) Enforcing the Rights of People with Disabilities in Ontario’s Develop-mental Services System. Available at:
  • Nosek, M. A., Howland, C. A., & Young, M. E. (1997). Abuse of women with disabilities: Policy implications. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 8, 157 – 175.
  • Patton, L., Pooran, B. & Samson, R. (2010). A Principled Approach: Considering Eligibility Criteria for Disability-Related Support Programs through a Rights-Outcome Lens. Available at:
  • Powers, L., Curry, M. A., Oschwald, M., Maley, S., Saxton, M., and Eckels, K. (2002). Barriers and strategies in addressing abuse: A survey of disabled women’s experiences. Journal of Rehabilitation, 68, 4-13.
  • Sheldon, T. (2010) The shield becomes the sword: The expansion of the Ameliorative Program Defence to programs that support Persons with Disabilities. Available at:
  • Sobsey, D. (1994). Violence and abuse in the lives of people with disabilities: The end of silent acceptance. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
  • Sobsey, D., & Doe, T. (1991). Patterns of sexual abuse and assault. Sexuality and Dis-ability, 9, 243-259.
  • Tamura, S., & Webber, S. (1992). Sexual abuse: Issues for adult users of AAC. Aug-mentative and Alternative Communication, 8, 172 – 173.
  • Togher, L., Balandin, S., Young, K., Given, F. Canty, M. (2006) Development of a Communication Training Program to Improve Access to Legal Services for People With Complex Communication Needs. Topics in Language Disorders: July/September 2006 – Volume 26 – Issue 3 – p 199-209.
  • Zisman Gary, M., Wilkie, C., Baker, D. (2010) A case study paper on Rights to Supports. Available at: